Wednesday, July 5, 2017


Jonah is having a great summer. He is participating in a tennis program and just finished swimming lessons. He is one strong guy. He loves to run and play with his brothers. He is asking tons of why questions and is gearing up to go to kindergarten in the fall. He is eager to lose his first tooth and regularly tries to wiggle one out.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Visit with Bonnie and Easter

Jonah was able to have a visit with his other mom a few weeks ago. we were able to eat lunch together and then Bonnie made Jonah a huge picture of a whale. When we came home he immediately put the picture over his bed. It was really nice to see her.
Easter was also really fun. My mom hosted us and we went on an elaborate egg hunt. I have been trying to post some pictures from the day, however I have been unsuccessful. Peace to all.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Happy New Year

For the holiday we vacationed in Mexico. Jonah loved swimming in the pool, the beach, chasing iguanas and playing in the sand. He seems to be growing extra fast ever since he turned 5! He seems taller everyday.
We celebrated New Years with my family and exchanged a few gifts. Jonah loved this huge semi truck my parents got him and has been playing with it non stop the last few days. Tomorrow, is back to preschool for Mr. Jonah. Although the break was wonderful, I know getting back to the regular routine will be nice as well.
Blessings to all!