Friday, December 18, 2015

Happy 4th birthday Jonah

Before he went to bed tonight Jonah wanted to look in the mirror to see if he looked taller now that he is four! Adorable. 
Jonah celebrated his birthday with his brothers going on rides at the Mall of America. Afterwards we all went to my parents house and ate a Cars cake and opened some gifts. He opened car slippers, puzzles, monster trucks and play dough. However his favorite gift was a farting machine that a good friend of his gave him. Hopefully I didn't gross any of you out too much! He enjoyed his day immensely and is now off to taking a two week long break from school for Christmas. I will make sure to update the blog after the holidays as well!   

PS. I want to note that when I write this my heart is both excited and heavy. Excited to share with you all that is going on with Jonah and heavy because I am very aware that circumstances do not allow for many of you reading to be involved in his life and to see him on special days like his birthday. I do not take that lightly, and I think of you guys often and even more so on days like today. Thanks for reading and supporting us with your prayers and love. You are all very important to Jo